May 24, 2014

Hans on the Rez

Videos I made  in 2001-20012

May 24, 2014

On thursday I truck broke down between Williams and Flagstaff. They were pulling a trailer with racehorses. Toad brought the trailer to the house where it is parked now.
The value of the horses is about 2 1/2 million dollars. Mexican workers are exercising the horses 2 hours in the morning, walking them in circles.

 Toad & Julie's house is a log cabin. Every 2 years the old varnish (protecting against the sun) has to be sanded off and then a new coat of varnish and 2 coats of sealer applied

May 21, 2014

May 21, 21014

Big fire just north of Sedona, in the Oak Creek Canyon. Smoke is hanging over Flagstaff.

May 17, 2014

NAU Spring 2014 Dance Performances

This weekend are the Northern Arizona University Dans School Spring dance performances.
I filmed all the dress rehearsals.
This video is the Saturday Night Finale

May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014: Flagstaff

2 weeks ago a storm coming from California dumped some snow in Flagstaff.

I went to Big 5 for new shoes.

 On the right the pair I bought in Germany. On the left from the Big 5. They were on sale for 30 dollars
 This is what it my trailer looked like 2 weeks ago
 And yesterday. Parasols in summer formation.
 My washing line

May 7, 2014

Amazon Kindle Fire

I really like my Kindle Fire-HD (2012 version), it's 1 centimeter longer and wider than my E-Reader Kindle.
Battery life is around 8 hours. (with Wifi off). Internal 16Gb memory. front camera, HDMI out.
I bought the 2012 version. The 2013 version has no camera nor HDMI
Like the E-reader I can read books on it (indoors only). But it can do a lot more.
Play videos in HD, music.
Internet, fast enough to use Skype. And email.
It has the best speakers of any computer device that I own!

May 2, 2014

Dorsey: World War II USA Prisoner of War in the Philippines and Japan

I filmed the video in 2008, and converted it to high definition yesterday

Ina in China

May 19, 2014
Mega groot Boeddha beeld van 71 meter hoog in Leshan. Uitgehakt uit de bergwand en ongeveer 1200 jaar oud
 Tibetaans Boeddhistisch klooster, 400 jaar geleden gebouwd door de vijfde Dalai Lama.
De tijgersprongkloof in Tibet.

May 17, 2014
Rode panda. Kleiner dan zijn beroemde neef.
De reuzen panda´s in Chengdu, heel bijzonder hoe deze dieren leven. Ze eten maar 1 soort bamboe terwijl er wel 100 soorten bamboe zijn.

May 10, 2014
De Jadendrakensneeuwbergen in Lijiang. Uitlopers van de Himalaya. Met een kabelbaan naar 3500 meter hoogte gegaan. De bergen zelf zijn 5596 meter hoo

May 07, 2014
De drie Pagodes in Dali

May 05, 2014
Traditionele klederdracht
Het Stenen Woud in Kunming
Het Terracotta Leger in Xi'an van keizer Qin. De manshoge soldaten hebben allemaal een ander gezicht.

May 02, 2014
De verboden Stad in Beijing, waar eeuwenlang de keizers van China regeerden.

Tempel van de Hemel

De Grote Muur in Beijing.
Meer dan 6000 km. lang. We zijn met een kabelbaan omhoog gegaan en hebben ongeveer 3 uur gewandeld over de muur en naar beneden. Dit gedeelte is gerestaureerd.

May 02, 2014: Flagstaff

A lot of wind blowing from the east, but on the west side of the trailer I can relax in the sun...
I bought a refurbished Amazon Kindle Fire. 
Ina is in China, on a 3 week tour, with limited wifi access and a cell phone to make pictures. So, I'll be posting for her.