November 29, 2015

Nov 29: Groningen

Yesterday visited the "Grote Markt". A lot of people and blue sky.
 "Zwarte Pieten" take part in the Saint Nicholas celebration. On December 05.
University building.
 It rained all night but it stayed dry when I went running this morning.

November 17, 2015

Nov 17: Groningen

After 1 train to Los Angeles, 2 planes to Holland and 1 train to Groningen, I don't have jetlag. Went to bed at 22.30 last night,. Woke up at 05.45, still dark, but birds were awake.
It's rainy here. I ran yesterday, and will do again tomorrow morning.
 In the neighborhood

November 13, 2015

Nov 13: Flagstaff

Toad & Julie just dropped me of at the library. They are going to Phoenix, I am waiting for my 10 pm train to Los Angeles.
Past my bedtime, but once I am on the train, I probably won't be able to sleep...
The train arrives in downtown Los Angeles at 08.15 am.
 My plane leaves at 4.10 pm, arriving in London on Sunday and then a short plane ride to Holland.
If all goes well.

November 5, 2015

Nov 05: Flagstaff

2 days ago I was sitting in my easy chair in short and t-shirt, the whole day, reading,
and yesterday it looked this
 5 centimeter gevallen, sneeuwruimen dus.
Vanmorgen scheen de zon weer
Mijn verzameling Indian artifacts
On the left, sundancers: bought in a Navajo run store, while I was making a video for DNA Legal Services. In the middle a kachina that I bought from Julie, it belonged to her aunt. The tall one I bought at Bookman in Flagstaff, on the right, a dancer that I bought from a Navajo passing by on the Zuni reservation.