January 1, 2021

Jan 01, 2021: Patra

I ran in the New Year.

I have been doing that the past 28 years. Roosters were crowing this morning, usually that happens around 05.30, but today it was at 02.45. I got up, not sleepy anymore anyway, and in the basement I put a basket full of laundry in the laundry machine. 

It rained last night and there were still a lot of clouds. Yesterday I had downloaded Stephen Chow's movie "Shaolin Soccer" and I made a DVD file out of it while waiting for the washing to be finished. The washing was done at 04.45 , I took it upstairs and hanged it on the  balcony and slept another 90 minutes until 07.30. Got up and the clouds were fading out. 

Blue skies! A metaphor of sorts, raining out 2020 and sunshine welcoming 2021!

I took the train (surprised, it was running) at 08.10, got out at the second stop and ran 3 miles.

after that, I walked back another 1.5 miles to the Patras station where I took the train back home.

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