November 5, 2020

Nov 05, 2020: Patras

 I have now settled into a routine: Go to bed between 21.30-22.00.
Get up around 06.00. Go on the internet to check email and news, and do a Greek lesson, in the basement, do laundry if necessary.
At 08.00 leave the house and take the train at 08.10 to the 2nd train stop,
where I get off and start walking (every third day running) towards the ocean.
Walk or run for 3 miles, go shopping (if necessary), take the train back home.
At 11.00 feed the dogs, leave them inside the pen, take a shower, relax and read (for now) in an easy chair on the terrace.
At 16.00 feed the dogs again and let them out the pen until tomorrow around 11.00.
In the evening I watch one of my shows/films on my hard drive collection.....
Roses from the garden!

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