November 8, 2020

Nov 08, 2020: Patra

Yesterday I went running and afterwards shopping for food at the Farmer market in Patras.
I had texted the number+ my name+ address required for the Corona notification. 
It went through, but I did not get a text message back.  ( I used a Dutch phone number?)
So, I also put a pdf file on my phone with the same info. 
It was very quiet, (well, it was early), no conductor on the train back home.

This morning I went walking with Bella, the mother dog. 
Along the beach and then zigzag back to the house. A lot of fruit trees along the way...
Here the fruit of my labors

Grapefruit, 2 types of oranges, mandarins, another fruit (I cannot recall the name at the moment), in the back, from the Calabash tree and a giant lemon.

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