February 3, 2018

Diary Athens: Feb 03 - 09, 2018

Feb 09
Cloudy today, oh well....
In Norway Got talent, a 9 year old girl sings Billie Holliday.

Feb 07
My life in Athens is fairly routine: every second day running, go to bed and get up early, reading and, when the weather is good, sunbathing on the balcony, grocery shopping..
On the internet I am following the FISA court application scandal which involves the Justice Department, the FBI and the Democratic Party. It is astonishing that important people can act so stupid....

Feb 06
View from the Plaka of Lykabettou (where I lived in 1973)

Feb 05
Stayed home yesterday. Cloudy, but warm and dry. This morning I ran the route I did 2 days ago, but reversed, 3 miles total, the first 2 miles just under 18 minutes...pretty good.
It took me 3 weeks to realize that from my balcony I look out on houses in the next street, and that street is the "red light" district of Athens. Except the lights are white.
There are always men outside talking loudly between 03.30-04.30 in the morning. Wakes me up.

Feb 03
It rained last night, but around 07.00 it stopped.
I ran 2.5 km uphill, and then I ran out of energy. I walked the rest to the Panormou market.  I came back with big bags of oranges, apples and tomatoes.
Some music videos

sister groups

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